Scientific and technological innovation promotes cultural confidence, and the 2020 collaborative platform Conference on the industrialization and application of cultural relics protection equipment was held

  • MPR
  • Time:2020-12-16 13:59

      From November 3 to 4, the Council and general meeting of 2020 collaborative platform for the industrialization and application of cultural relics protection equipment (hereinafter referred to as "collaborative platform") was held in Chongqing. Luo Junjie, director of the first Department of equipment industry of the Ministry of industry and information technology, and Luo Jing, director general of the museum and social heritage Department (Science and Technology Department) of the State Administration of cultural relics, attended the conference and delivered speeches. Jin ruiguo, deputy director of Museum and social heritage Department (Science and Technology Department), State Administration of cultural relics; Peng Xin, director of science and technology and information department; she Weizhen, director of special machinery Department of equipment industry No.1 Department of Ministry of industry and information technology; Cui Wei, deputy director of comprehensive Department; Kuangjian, chief engineer of Chongqing Economic and Information Commission; Zhong Qianyuan, member of Chongqing culture and Tourism Development Committee, attended the meeting Discussion. More than 150 member representatives from national cultural and Museum units, scientific research institutions and cultural protection equipment enterprises attended the meeting.

Conference site


     On the morning of 4, the Secretary General Luo Junjie delivered a speech at the general meeting of the forenoon platform. The Secretary General of the CPC pointed out that the general secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to the protection of cultural relics, the complexity, arduous and high standard requirements of heritage conservation, and urgently needed support, demonstration and guidance for advanced technology and high-end equipment. Since 2013, the Ministry of industry and information technology and the State Administration of cultural relics have carried out in-depth cooperation, organized the industrialization application demonstration of cultural relics protection equipment and the construction of industrial bases, and clearly proposed the industrial development mode of "manufacturer + user" and "product + service". In particular, in 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology, together with the State Administration of cultural relics and the Ministry of science and technology, jointly issued the development outline of cultural relic protection equipment (2018-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline"), which defined the development focus and development path of China's cultural relics protection equipment industry. Director Luo Junjie hopes that in the next stage of work, the collaborative platform will strengthen the research and development of common key technologies, strengthen the supply capacity of high-end equipment, strengthen the deep integration of industry, University, research and application, explore innovative business forms of manufacturing services, strengthen the construction of public service capacity, and improve the industrial ecosystem.

Director general Luo Junjie delivered a speech at the meeting


     In his speech, director Luo Jing pointed out that China's cultural relics protection equipment has gone through a road of coordination between undertakings and industries, integration of cultural relics science and technology and special equipment, and a characteristic road of "manufacturer + user" and "product + service". In particular, novel coronavirus pneumonia, floods in the south, and changes in the international situation were faced with severe challenges in 2020. The heritage conservation work in China has achieved remarkable results. However, at the same time, there are still some problems and shortcomings in the development and application of cultural relics protection equipment, including insufficient demand mining of cultural relic industry, lagging behind of transformation and industrialization of cultural relics scientific and technological achievements, systematic promotion of standardization, imperfect equipment system and shortcomings, and improvement of public service capacity of the industry. Director Luo Jing proposed that in the next stage, the collaborative platform should actively do the following work: first, facing the "14th five year plan", deeply tap the needs of the industry, implement the implementation measures of the "Outline" and guide the direction of equipment support and service; second, improve the cultural security equipment system, strengthen the advantages and disadvantages; third, keep pace with the times and increase the formulation and application of standards; fourth, strengthen the industry and industrial development The exhibition is supported by basic support.

Director Luo Jing delivered a speech at the meeting


      At the meeting, Ouyang Jinsong, Secretary General of the platform and director of the Institute of comprehensive technology and economics of mechanical industry instruments and meters, delivered the "2020 annual platform work report" to the conference. The report focuses on the development of cultural relic protection equipment industry, review of the 13th five year plan work of the collaborative platform and work summary in 2020, and fully summarizes the work achievements of the collaborative platform in recent years. Around the next year's work arrangement, it is clearly proposed that the collaborative platform will carry out the research on the "14th five year plan" and long-term development strategy of the cultural relics protection equipment industry, focusing on improving the industrial ecology, consolidating the industrial foundation, improving and publicizing the platform standards, industrial research and Industry support, etc., so as to continuously guide and support the development of cultural relics protection equipment industry in the new era.

"2020 annual platform work report" by Ouyang Jinsong Institute


      In this conference, the collaborative platform released for the first time the report on the development of cultural relic protection equipment industry (2020). The report was compiled by the Secretariat of the collaborative platform through in-depth industry research, expert guidance and demonstration, based on the development status and history of the field of cultural relics protection equipment in China, as well as the relevant work achievements of the collaborative platform. It is the first report on cultural relic protection equipment industry in China. At the same time, the conference also released a series of achievements, such as "collection of standards for cultural relics protection (3)", "reference catalogue of preventive protection of cultural relics and peripheral products (2019)".

Conference site


      In addition, the conference also held a signing ceremony for the intention of enterprises to settle in Chongqing national cultural relics protection equipment industrial base, and six enterprises signed the intention agreement with the base management committee. The base is the first national level industrial park in the field of cultural relics protection equipment approved by the Ministry of industry and information technology and the State Administration of cultural relics. The platform Secretariat and the base actively cooperate and coordinate to continuously promote the industrial agglomeration of cultural relics protection equipment, and actively build the industrial cluster and source of high-quality development of cultural and cultural protection equipment in China.

Conference site


Academic Forum on "technological innovation helps cultural confidence"


       On the afternoon of April 4, the collaborative platform and the silk road innovation and technology alliance jointly held an academic forum with the theme of "scientific and technological innovation boosting cultural confidence". Duan Yong, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Shanghai University, Su Bomin, vice president of Dunhuang Research Institute, Ge Jiaqi, chief expert of China Aviation planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., and other experts from cultural relics and equipment enterprises made theme reports Practice, key technology, smart Museum, international standardization, industrial development and other aspects were fully shared.


      Duan Yong, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Shanghai University, said in the keynote speech of "protection and inheritance of cultural heritage under the technological revolution", that science and technology have become the supporting force throughout the "whole life cycle" of cultural heritage, and the development of modern information technology has made us see the possibility of "disguised immortality" of cultural heritage, and called on colleagues engaged in cultural heritage protection and museum work to actively pay attention to it And actively participate in this process, so that science and technology can better benefit cultural heritage.


      Su Bomin, vice president of Dunhuang Research Institute, introduced in detail the background, current situation, content and application of the project of "Research on Key Technologies of in situ protection of tomb murals" in the keynote speech of "Research on Key Technologies of in situ protection of tomb murals", and put forward the overall solution of tomb murals, so as to break through the key scientific and technical problems in the protection of tomb murals in humid environment And improve the overall level of tomb mural protection in China.


      Zhao Xichen, vice president of Shaanxi Academy of archaeology, introduced the content, technical route and research progress of the project of "Research on emergency protection technology system of cultural relics excavation site" in the keynote speech of "Research on emergency protection technology system of cultural relic excavation site". Among them, the research and development and application of the second generation mobile laboratory for cultural relics excavation site protection are mainly introduced in order to develop the unearthed site Emergency protection technology system with full chain and seamless link.


     Ge Jiaqi, chief expert of China Aviation planning and Design Research Institute Co., Ltd., shared his re understanding of the connotation of cultural relics safety and stability risk prevention and control in the keynote speech of "status quo and thinking of cultural relic safety and stability risk prevention and control", and analyzed the current situation and thinking of cultural relic safety and stability risk prevention and control.


     Professor Pu Huayan of the unmanned ship Engineering Research Institute of Shanghai University introduced the key technologies and applications of unmanned aerial vehicles, high mobility underwater robots and airborne equipment of archaeological robots in the keynote speech of "key technologies and equipment for Underwater Archaeology".


     Xu Fangyuan, associate researcher of Shanghai Museum, introduced the present situation of preventive protection equipment for cultural relics in collections in his keynote speech, and put forward some thoughts on the preventive protection of cultural relics based on practice, including the establishment of risk management mechanism, the overall solution and guidelines for the preventive protection of cultural relics.


     Zhou Min, deputy secretary of the general Party branch of the China Silk Museum and director of the key scientific research base of the State Bureau of textile and cultural relics protection, introduced in detail the research background, content and technical route of the "world silk interactive map" project of China Silk Museum in the form of digital resources Information related to silk is presented to the public.


     Professor Zeng Zhaofa, School of earth exploration science and technology, Jilin University, discussed the application of geophysical methods in the protection of cultural relics in his keynote speech, including geophysical methods and functions, geophysical models and responses, and applied research in cultural relics protection. He pointed out that geophysics is developing in the direction of intelligence, and is developing in archaeological exploration, protection and repair of cultural relics at different scales It will play an important role.


    Tang Huan, deputy director of key scientific research base of State Administration of cultural relics and research librarian of Chongqing Three Gorges Museum and cultural relics Control Research Center, through case sharing, proposed that the comprehensive prevention and control of insect and mildew diseases of cultural relics should be based on the collection environment and cultural relics, and the early sense of risk and disease Effective prevention and control of pests and mildew diseases in cultural relics collection is carried out in several stages such as knowledge, mid-term identification and post-processing.


     In addition, Tong Yin, general manager of cultural business department of Wanda Information Co., Ltd., and Shi Yuan, chief operating officer of Tencent culture and tourism, also shared their practice and Thinking on the digitization of cultural security based on their rich practical experience.


"Collaborative platform" helps the development of cultural relic protection equipment industry


     On the afternoon of March 3, the collaborative platform also held a council meeting, which was presided over by Shi Zhenshan, deputy director of the Research Institute of comprehensive technology and economy of mechanical industry instruments and meters, the Secretariat of the platform. The meeting deliberated and approved the revision of "2020 annual work report of collaborative platform" and "management measures for standard formulation and revision of collaborative platform for industrialization and application of cultural relic protection equipment", and agreed to add Tianjin Senluo Technology Co., Ltd. and northwest Polytechnic University as the governing units of the collaborative platform, as well as the Puppet Manchurian Palace Museum and Tencent cloud computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd We have officially become members of the collaborative platform.


      The collaborative platform was jointly established by the Ministry of industry and information technology and the State Administration of cultural relics in 2015. At present, there are 190 member units, including 30 Council members. It is the only public service platform for the industrialization of cultural relics protection equipment in China. It has made efforts in policy formulation, national project promotion, industrial development trend research, industrial application and promotion, and technical basic public services A lot of work has been done and fruitful results have been achieved. Facing the "14th five year plan" ,the collaborative platform will meet new opportunities and challenges of cultural relics protection in the new era, continue to cultivate the development of cultural relics protection equipment industry, constantly improve the industrial chain capacity of cultural relics protection equipment, promote the high-quality development of the industry, and make more contributions to the escort of cultural relics!


      The conference was hosted by the Secretariat of the collaborative platform (and the Institute of comprehensive technology and economics of mechanical industry instruments) and hosted by Chongqing sound optoelectronic Intelligent Electronic Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Three Gorges Museum.



Editor: Pumpkin

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