The sublime —— The art of Buddhism in Gansu Province

      Gansu Buddhist art is mixed with Chinese traditional art here, and then spread to the mainland. Therefore, the Buddhist relics and related works in Gansu Province, preserving the deposit of non-buddhism is a religion founded by the history of India Buddha in the 5th and 6th centuries BC, together with Islam and Christianity known as the "three major religions of the world. ". In the process of dissemination, three Buddhism systems, Han Chuan, Southern Chuan and Tibetan Chuan, were gradually formed. Han Buddhism, mainly refers to the Silk Road into China by this branch of Buddhism, which originated in the Han Dynasty, was initially regarded as a kind of celestial magic. Buddhism, promoted by some emperors since the Sixteen Kingdoms, has taken root, germinated and prospered in China, eventually merging into the long history of Chinese civilization and becoming an important part of Chinese culture.

      Gansu Province is located in the eastern section of the ancient Land Silk Road. It is the "throat" and "gateway" from the Western Regions to Central Plain. As Buddhism is very rich from the western regions to the interior, no matter the artistic connotation or the drawing level, they all have different repercussions and hold the balance, and have the very important status in the Chinese Buddhism development history. This time, we selected more than 100 Buddhist relics from the rich collection of the Gansu Provincial Museum from the period of the 16 kingdoms to the Ming and Qing dynasties, spanning the history of nearly 1700, showing the colorful Buddhist culture of Gansu in all directions, the purpose is to invite you to wander in the temple of Buddhist culture, savoring the academic, religious and artistic values of Buddhism.


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